ELCC 3: Resources

Safety Calendar

Artifact Date: 2/12/25
Course Name: EAD-536- Strategic Leadership and Management in the Principalship


·       8/25, 8:00 a.m. Mandatory training for all staff on emergency procedures, including fire and lockdown drills. Key staff will review protocol updates, and practice evacuation procedures will be held.


·       9/15, 10:00 a.m. Fire Drill Evacuation from classrooms on the second floor- All teachers will ensure students evacuate through the front stairwells due to construction blocking rear exits.


·       10/3, 2:00 p.m.: Lockdown Drill - Simulate a scenario where a local police are pursuing an armed suspect in the vicinity of the school. The lockdown will involve securing all classroom doors and windows.

·       10/20, 2:30 p.m.: Fire Drill -Evacuation from the gymnasium during after-school sports.

Coaches will lead their groups to the designated assembly point outside the main entrance.


·       11/5, 9:00 a.m. Fire Drill- Evacuation from the cafeteria during breakfast; younger grades will evacuate first, while older students will wait outside.


·       12/10, 1:30 p.m. Fire Drill Evacuation from the library; alternate routes will be designated for students in case the main exit is blocked.


·       1/10, 4:00 p.m.: Mid-year refresher training for teachers on effective communication during an emergency. The training will cover debriefing strategies, tools for quick communication, and updates on any procedural changes.

·       1/14, 11:45 a.m.: Lockdown Drill- Simulate an active intruder scenario during lunch hour. All students will be escorted to secure areas under teachers' supervision.

·       1/17, 11:15 a.m. Fire Drill - Evacuation from the Science Lab- The drill will occur while students are conducting experiments in the science lab. Teachers will guide students to the nearest exit. The path from the lab to the assembly area will be clear, but students will be instructed to avoid the main hallway as it may be congested due to passing periods. The drill will emphasize swift movement and awareness of exit routes.


·       2/13, 8:30 a.m. Fire Drill Evacuation from the Gymnasium- This drill will take place during PE class. The gym will be evacuated quickly, and students will be guided to the nearest outdoor assembly point. Special attention will be given to ensuring that students from all grade levels exit in a calm and orderly manner. Teachers will remind students about maintaining a safe distance from the building.


·       3/15, 9:00 a.m. Full evacuation drill. Students and staff will proceed to a predetermined reunification point across the street. Parents will be notified via text message and email, and evacuation transportation will be coordinated by local buses.

·       3/22, 12:00 p.m. Fire Drill Evacuation from the Cafeteria during Lunch

o   A lunch period drill will involve evacuating students who are eating in the cafeteria. The drill will account for students who may be spread out in different sections of the cafeteria. Teachers will lead students through alternate exits to avoid congestion. A particular focus will be on ensuring that students do not stop to collect their belongings.


·       4/10, 10:45 a.m.: Fire Drill Evacuation from the Main Office Area

o   This drill will focus on evacuating the administrative and office areas, which are located near the central part of the school. It will simulate a scenario where the offices are being evacuated during an administrative meeting. Employees will practice guiding students and staff safely out of the office areas to the designated meeting points.

·       4/18, 12:30 p.m.: Lockdown Drill- Simulate a suspicious package in the hallway near classrooms; students will follow a protocol of hiding behind solid cover and remaining silent until the all-clear signal is given.


·       5/15, 1:30 p.m.: Fire Drill- Evacuation from the Library

o   The drill will involve evacuating the library during class time. Library staff will lead the students out, avoiding the main hallway, which may be congested. An alternate route will be emphasized for a faster exit, particularly for classes near the back of the library.




This safety calendar was created in collaboration with the school's safety officers, teachers, and administrators. Input from these stakeholders ensures that all aspects of the school are represented and thought out in emergency procedure. The variety in times and locations throughout the calendar was purposefully designed to prepare staff and students for unexpected emergencies, which could occur during different times of the school day and in different settings. By varying the drill locations, such as the science lab, cafeteria, gymnasium, and library, the safety plan accommodates the dynamic environment of a school, where emergencies can arise in any part of the building.

Vision and Mission

Practicing these drills aligns with the school's vision of creating a safe and supportive learning environment, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and adaptability. Additionally, it reflects the school’s mission to create a culture of preparedness, where every individual understands their role and is ready to act swiftly and calmly during an emergency.

Moral and Legal Considerations

From a moral and legal standpoint, the safety calendar was developed with the duty of care in mind. The school is committed to providing a safe learning environment, and these drills are a proactive measure to meet that obligation. The legal requirement for schools to conduct regular safety drills is upheld, ensuring compliance with safety standards. Furthermore, the drills emphasize the importance of clear communication and awareness, as these elements can significantly reduce the risk of harm in the event of a real emergency. By involving staff in the process and providing regular debriefings, school leaders ensure that each drill is an opportunity for reflection, improvement, and continuous growth in safety preparedness.

Josh Henriquez